Select a copy task
This copy task has been developed by Luuk van Waes and Marielle Leijten (University of Antwerp, Belgium).
The analysis is part of Inputlog (
We thank the following colleagues for their help in developing the different language versions:
- English: Lise Fontaine (Cardiff University, UK) & Mark Torrance (Nothingham University, UK)
- Finnish: Mari Mäkilä (University of Turku, Finland)
- French: Thierry Olive (CNRS@University of Poitiers, France)
- German: Esther Breuer (University of Cologne, Germany)
- Italian: Alessandra Rossetti (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
- Norwegian: Anne Sætersdal Myklestad & Vibeke Ronneberg (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences & University of Stravanger, Norway)
- Polish: Olga Witczak (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland)
- Portuguese: Teresa Limpo (University of Porto, Portugal)
- Spanish: Anna Sala (University of Barcelona, Spain)
- Swedish: Åsa Wengelin & Lisa Bengtsson (University of Gothenburgh, Sweden)
- Turkish: Gulay Tiryakioglu (University of Lyon 2, France)
- Welsh: Lise Fontaine (Cardiff University, UK)